Sunday, August 1, 2010

Quads, Hamstrings, and Calves

When the alarm went of at 7:00 I instantly told myself that it was okay to go back to bed and skip cardio/abs. But... this is the new me and for some reason I ended up getting out of bed and going to the gym? I know... I couldn't believe it either! As I arrived at Gold's at around 7:25 I was feeling good that I had decided to tough it out. I walk up to the entrance and the door is locked! They don't open till 8:00! Needless to say it was pretty discouraging but at the same time, the rest will come in handy I'm sure.

After the disappointing morning, the afternoon comes along I again find myself at a crossroads of whether to go to the gym for a much needed, but highly hated, leg workout. Fighting myself the entire way I again find myself in the parking lot of Gold's... this time they were open of course. Looking back I am glad I went as I had one of my best workouts that I have had in awhile. It was one of those where you know you're going to be sore the next day but at the same time you are glad because you know you are working your body and on the verge of a breakthrough in the gym. For this reason, I am now highly motivated and exciting for my 2-week split program that I have recently developed and will be starting tomorrow! More on that later. As I was saying, the workout was a fiber-tearing routine that left me with a great feeling. I can tell I am growing physically and mentally which means great things are to come! Always stay positive!

Quads, Hamstrings, and Calves - (Total workout time: 60 minutes)
Hack Squats: 4 sets x 10@135, 10@225, 10@225, 10@225
Leg Press: 4 sets x 12@225, 10@315, 8@405, 4@495
Leg Extensions: 3 sets x 10@150, 10@170, 10@180
Lying Leg Curls: 3 sets x 10@110
Standing Leg Curls: 3 sets x 8@55 (each leg)
Standing Calf Raises: 4 sets x 20@110, 20@130, 15@130, 15@140
*Seated Calf Raises: 1 set x 15 w/two 45lb plates

*Planned on performing three sets, but the pump was so great in my calves that I already knew they  would be extremely sore tomorrow, therefore I didn't want to overdo it, which I have done before and learned my lesson

I usually would have done traditional squats but my lower back is still very tender from Friday's workout, therefore I was afraid any unnecessary strain on my lower back might aggravate those muscles and/or prolong recovery time.

Immediately following my workout I took the following supplements:
2 BCAA's
2 scoops whey protein
5g L-Glutamine

Before bed I will take another 5g of L-Glutamine to aid my recovery and help me be more rested for the start of my new program tomorrow. I also might possibly take another scoop or two of whey protein and some melatonin to improve my sleep quality. As I talked about earlier, tomorrow is the beginning of a new program and I am ready to see improvements and make gains, but to do so I must be patient and most importantly, consistent with my training. I hope to have pictures soon with some of my workouts so check back tomorrow as I will upload my new workout of Chest and Shoulders.